16 Women Talk About The Most Cringeworthy Guys They've Dated Or Had Sex With

We've all had some pretty bad dating and sex encounters, but as yours as bad as these?
Jacob Geers
December 6, 2016
“I just broke up with a guy I'd been seeing for almost a year, about a month ago. I cannot believe I was with this guy AT ALL, let alone for an entire year. He had poor hygiene (would pick his nose and eat his boogers, almost compulsively. Like, if we were watching a movie, he would be doing it the entire time, until I finally flipped out about 3 months ago), was just generally disgusting (he would fart and then cup it and put it in his own face.

Like almost every time he farted, he would do this, even if everyone was clearly not amused and I would tell him to stop. He even did it in front of my parents the first time I took him to their house. I wanted to die), his morals were garbage (basically, he thought like a 7-year-old, so if someone did something he didn't like, even by accident, he would do something mean and spiteful for revenge), he was absolutely dumber than a bag of hammers, yet showed no interest in actually learning anything (didn't know who our vice president was, what a liberal, Democrat, conservative, or Republican was, thought Europe was a country, assumed all Latinos were Mexican...), he was a total deadbeat to his 16 year old son (he would tell him he was going to be at family events and then refuse to show up and not tell anyone.

He also told me he loved me more than he loved his son, which made me really pissed off. Seriously, what kind of a man are you, dude?), he would use me for my money and resources (would borrow my car and then give it back with an empty tank, or would use my things and then give it back trashed), absolutely HORRIBLE in bed (only went down on me a handful of times and even admitted that it was because he was lazy, even though I went down on him almost every day.

He did not even ask or think about whether or not I got off, until I finally brought it up after like a full month of dating, then would get frustrated, yell, and punch walls or leave the room if he couldn't get me off within 10 minutes). Seriously, this guy sucks so bad. My self-esteem is absolute shit, I don't know what I was thinking.”