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- Nick Denton

Nick Denton Quotes
Birthday: | August 24, 1966 |
Birthplace: | Hampstead, London, United Kingdom |
Educated At: | University College |
Nationality: | United Kingdom |
Occupations: | Internet Entrepreneur, Journalist |
Total quotes: 28

Nick Denton
BirthnameBirthday: August 24, 1966
Birthplace: Hampstead, London, United Kingdom
Educated At: University College
Nationality: United Kingdom
Occupations: Internet Entrepreneur, Journalist
Total quotes: 28
“The embrace of unusual writers led one veteran to describe Gawker as the ‘island of the misfit toys’. We took that as a compliment.”
Gawker, Nick Denton
“The greatest compliment one could ever pay to a Gawker writer is fearlessness—the willingness to say what needed to be said irrespective of the consequences.”
Gawker, Nick Denton
“Gawker.com is shutting down today, Monday 22nd August, 2016, some 13 years after it began and two days before the end of my forties. It is the end of an era.”
Gawker, Nick Denton
“It is a fitting conclusion to this experiment in what happens when you let journalists say what they really think.”
Gawker, Nick Denton
“In my time at the company, I started Gizmodo first, and loved Lifehacker most, but Gawker was the only site I edited.”
Gawker, Nick Denton
“awker did overextend itself, as an enterprise. We were internet exceptionalists, believing that that from blogs, forums and messaging would emerge a new world of unlimited freedom to associate and to express. We still believed we could, like the early bloggers, say everything.”
Gawker, Nick Denton
“Gawker’s politics were progressive, but it shared the belief that the real world was staged. Gawker writers, plugged into the journalists’ gossip networks, looked for the story behind the story, the version that was shared over a drink but less frequently published.”
Gawker, Nick Denton
“It was unsurprising that Gawker focused on the privileges of the princelings, the younger members of America’s increasingly hereditary elite. These were the manifestations, in stories readers could understand, of the dry income inequality that had become the focus of politics and economics.”
Gawker, Nick Denton
“Gawker shed an enormous amount of light. It punctured hypocrisy and mocked the ridiculous. The site put out 200,000 posts over its life, about thousands of public figures. Some say we made the right enemies, but everybody can agree: even for journalists, we certainly made a lot of them.
One was Peter Thiel.”
One was Peter Thiel.”
Gawker, Nick Denton
“Hogan was the most popular celebrity in Tampa. While a federal judge and a Florida appeals court panel found the story was solidly newsworthy because it touched a matter of public concern, it was always going to be a challenge to go up against Hogan against a home-town jury.”
Gawker, Nick Denton
“Privacy, especially internet privacy, had become the biggest challenge to freedom of expression. When time came to scurry under the shelter of the First Amendment, we did not have that much institutional support. You can’t easily get the privileges of the profession if you pour scorn on its luminaries.”
Gawker, Nick Denton
“The flip side of that fearlessness, the epithet that even our defenders throw at us, is recklessness. Gawker deliberately pushed the envelope, went further than our establishment forebears, and should be held responsible for the result. Did we invite this fate?”
Gawker, Nick Denton
“It’s a shame the Hogan trial took place without the motives of the plaintiff’s backer being known. If there is a lasting legacy from this experience, it should be a new awareness of the danger of dark money in litigation finance. And that’s surely in the spirit of the transparency Gawker was founded to promote.”
Gawker, Hulk vs Gawker
“To follow the daily or hourly news cycle is the media equivalent of day-trading: it’s frenzied, pointless and usually unprofitable. I’d much rather read an item which just showed me the photos or documents. And if you’re going to write some text, take a position or explain something to me. Give me opinion or reference; just don’t pretend you’re providing news. That’s not news.”
News, Publishing
“Gawker is the hardest of our sites to define. It started out as a Manhattan media gossip site — and retains that initial personality. But that topic only appeals to 100,000 or so people. And Gawker.com now has a monthly global audience of 10m. It needs that scale to get internet advertising and to satisfy our competitive urges. So we’ve had to range more widely — into reality television, news of the weird, crime news and — yes — sex tapes. Ultimately the audience determines the story mix. Beyond our editorial core, we run what excites audience interest.”
Publishing, Gawker Media
“This company was founded by a gay man and two women. I have never been comfortable with the role of a traditional CEO. And for obvious reasons I have never been comfortable in a company dominated by territorial men. I hope I have made space for others who don't fit the mould. And I pray that my information networks are still good enough to identify those leaders too busy being capable to promote themselves. At Gawker, despite the reputation of our journalism, nice guys finish first. And women.”
Gawker, Media Companies
“At some point, however, Thiel’s stance hardened, after a friend advised him that he was the only one who could stop Gawker. He connected with Charles Harder, a Hollywood lawyer who had learned from Marty Singer but was ready to take a more hard-knuckled approach on behalf of clients. Litigation finance, once the crime of champerty but now deregulated, provided the template for their business relationship. This was the dark money of media conflict. Thiel could fund potential lawsuits without being exposed himself.”
Gawker, Nick Denton
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