Kylo Ren
Total quotes: 17
“Kylo Ren: I'll destroy her. And you. And all of it.
Luke Skywalker: No. Strike me down in anger and I'll always be with you. Just like your father.”
Luke Skywalker: No. Strike me down in anger and I'll always be with you. Just like your father.”
Destruction, Anger
“[referring to the Millennium Falcon] Blast that piece of junk out of the sky!”
Millennium Falcon, Attack
“Poe Dameron: [strapped in an interrogation chair] Not really.
Kylo Ren: I'm impressed. No one has been able to get out of you what you did with the map.
Poe Dameron: You might want to rethink your technique.”
Kylo Ren: I'm impressed. No one has been able to get out of you what you did with the map.
Poe Dameron: You might want to rethink your technique.”
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