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- Andrew Stanton

Andrew Stanton Quotes
Birthday: | December 3, 1965 |
Birthplace: | Rockport, Massachusetts, United States |
Educated At: | California Institute Of The Arts |
Nationality: | United States Of America |
Occupations: | Film Director, Film Producer, Screenwriter, Actor |
Total quotes: 40

Andrew Stanton
BirthnameBirthday: December 3, 1965
Birthplace: Rockport, Massachusetts, United States
Educated At: California Institute Of The Arts
Nationality: United States Of America
Occupations: Film Director, Film Producer, Screenwriter, Actor
Total quotes: 40
“I'm not a Space Ranger. I'm just a toy. A stupid, little, insignificant toy.”
space ranger, insignificant
“One minute you're defending the whole galaxy, and, suddenly, you find yourself sucking down Darjeeling with Marie Antoinette... and her little sister.”
darjeeling, Marie Antoinette
“Buzz Lightyear: I am Buzz Lightyear; I come in peace.
Rex: [shaking Buzz Lightyear's hand] Oh, I'm so glad you're not a dinosaur!”
Rex: [shaking Buzz Lightyear's hand] Oh, I'm so glad you're not a dinosaur!”
i come in peace, Dinosaur
“Buzz Lightyear: Sheriff, this is no time to panic!
Woody: This is the perfect time to panic! I'm lost, Andy is gone, they're gonna move from their house in two days, and it's all your fault!”
Woody: This is the perfect time to panic! I'm lost, Andy is gone, they're gonna move from their house in two days, and it's all your fault!”
“Buzz Lightyear: [Referring to Andy's other toys] Do you know these life forms?
Woody: Yes, they're Andy's toys.”
Woody: Yes, they're Andy's toys.”
life forms, Toys
“Buzz Lightyear: I can't help. I can't help anyone.
Woody: Why sure you can Buzz Lightyear. You can get me out of here and then I'll get that rocket off you, and we'll make a break for Andy's House.”
Woody: Why sure you can Buzz Lightyear. You can get me out of here and then I'll get that rocket off you, and we'll make a break for Andy's House.”
Helping, Cooperation
“Buzz Lightyear: [sees Woody's ‘Sheriff’ star badge] Local law enforcement! It's about time you got here. I'm Buzz Lightyear, Space Ranger, Universe Protection Unit. My ship has crash-landed here by mistake.
Woody: Yes, it is a mistake, because, you see, the bed here is my spot.”
Woody: Yes, it is a mistake, because, you see, the bed here is my spot.”
Law Enforcement, crash landing
“Woody: All right, that's enough! Look, we're all very impressed with Andy's new toy.
Buzz Lightyear: Toy?
Woody: T-O-Y, Toy!
Buzz Lightyear: Excuse me, I think the word you're searching for is ‘Space Ranger’.
Woody: The word I'm searching for—I can't say, because there's preschool toys present.”
Buzz Lightyear: Toy?
Woody: T-O-Y, Toy!
Buzz Lightyear: Excuse me, I think the word you're searching for is ‘Space Ranger’.
Woody: The word I'm searching for—I can't say, because there's preschool toys present.”
space ranger, Toy
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