34 Quotes That Sum Up What It Truly Means To Be An ENFP
Extroverted Intuitives Unite

Heidi Priebe
November 2, 2016
November 2, 2016
“When it comes to our goals and desires, [ENFPs] are the least chill people imaginable.”
“ENFPs are warm. They’re welcoming. They’re kind. But what they are not is comfortable with personal disclosure.”
“ENFPs are not always quick to jump into serious relationships but this is more often an issue of compatibility than one of commitment. ENFPs connect relatively quickly with most people. But they want more than a surface-level connection and a few common interests: they are searching for a specific, intense relationship that both challenges and grows them. If they find this, they are ALL IN. If not, the horizons are still being scanned for what else is out there.”