34 Quotes That Sum Up What It Truly Means To Be An ENFP
Extroverted Intuitives Unite

Heidi Priebe
November 2, 2016
November 2, 2016
“This type goes for what they want unabashedly and pursues each of their passions single-handedly. They will not fit into the palm of your hand; this type has wings that they intend to spread wide. They have goals and they intend to aim high. If you are looking for a quiet, docile partner, do not go after the ENFP. They don’t expect a partnership to limit them and they don’t plan to place limits on you either.”
“You’ll never feel weak or incapable with the ENFP in your life. You’ll have no excuse to sit back, wallow in a pool of self-pity and let your true potential pass you by. The ENFP will bring out the best in you.”
“[ENFPs] have a fluid system of values that tends to morph and change as they take in new experiences.”
“ENFPs often feel torn between their intense love of people and their intense love of alone time. They are highly likely to identify as ambiverts, seeing both introverted and extroverted traits in themselves.”
“Leave an ENFP alone for three hours and they often re-emerge with limbs shaking from too much coffee and fourteen new ideas that they’re bursting to share with others.”