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Quotes tagged “Marriage”

“My ex and I were both very religious so had no sex before marriage and saw all kinds of signs that God had brought us together.! We ignored good advice from both sides of our families to not get married because we were sure that God was in control! Once we were married I then learn she is not sexual and does not enjoy sex. It was absolutely miserable.

No oral sex two positions and I was not allowed to touch her vagina. Our pastor had assured us that there was no such thing as sexual incompatibility! She refused to go to counseling and she refused to go the doctor to see why sex was usually painful for her. (Tilted uterus plus likely vaginissimus) I stayed because I didn't want to disrupt my children's childhood.

She became even more religious while I became much less religious. My new job had me away from home for weeks and months for years. I ended up cheating. It was wrong and I regret that. But I did meet a wonderful woman who was in the exact same situation.

She is incredible. Super sexy, cute, hardworking, Keeps the house spotless and is a great cook. And best of all she thinks I am amazing both in and out of the bedroom! I got so so lucky! The divorce was not fun, I regret the cheating and won't do that again. And my children refuse to talk with me and are unaware of my ex's contribution to the marriage breakdown But it was so worth it. I am so much happier now! Been together for 5 years and it has been wonderful.”
“I left my ex wife to be with my current wife of almost ten years. I have never been happier, we have 4 kids and things are amazing.

My ex wife was a manipulative, abusive, controlling bitch, she cheated on me multiple times. I thought i had a kid with her but i actually don't, and it has been proven that he is not mine through DNA testing, but since I lived in Texas at the time and Texas Attorney General doesn't give a shit about the dad I am still stuck paying child support for him, which in the end is fine, I still see him as my son.

My ex wife used to control everything I did, she blocked any channel that might have nudity, websites as well. If we were out in public she would scold me openly for even looking in the general direction of an attractive female. If we watched a movie with nudity she would cover my eyes and berate me afterwards for wanting to fuck someone else.

My current wife, is very loving we communicate very well, we have our own hobbies and interest outside of ourselves and family, doesn't give a shit about porn or nudity in general, she doesn't care if I look as long as I don't touch. She doesn't berate me in public or private, she makes me happier than I ever thought I could be. She doesn't cheat on me. She is honestly the best thing that ever happened to me.”
“I was married for about 16 years, but unhappy and had been contemplating leaving for a couple of years (dead bedroom, we never did anything together, she spent all day watching soaps to have me come home and watch a couple shows together before she'd fall asleep on the couch, etc). I had tried to get her to agree to counseling several times but her personality didn't work with airing our problems to someone else and she thought we could fix it on our own.

I remember one day thinking that if I could just consider her my roommate or friend instead of my wife I could just suffer through it (for the sake of our kid, etc). I cried myself to sleep that night...

So anyways, awhile later, me and a co-worker (15 years younger than me) went to a conference together. We had some drinks and some flirting but nothing happened until about a year later when we got put on a project together and started texting more. Ended up developing feelings over time and then several months later we spontaneously/unexpectedly kissed and it escalated from there.

To make it worse, she was engaged to be married about 6 months from then. About three months into our (physical) relationship, we had to make some tough decisions because we both felt we had both fallen in love with each other over the last year or so before we had even started anything physical.

She broke off her engagement (she had been with him 8 years) and I started the painful divorce process, all the while second guessing myself that I was throwing away my now 18 year marriage to a person I had been with for 25....well over half my life. But I had to come to terms that I wasn't happy and had to accept that even if things didn't work out with the new girlfriend, that I would be happier alone than staying in the marriage.

Once I accepted that and got over the fear of being alone, it was easier. I was then doing it for myself, not for the other woman. Plus I knew it was a new relationship (red alert), she was 15 years younger (red alert) and it was starting out as an affair (red alert). Not much of a chance it would work out.

I moved out about 1.5 years ago and divorce was finalized in November. My girlfriend and I moved in together this past July and things are going great. We've been together for almost 2.5 years at this point and have been talking marriage.”
“My ex husband was an abusive alcoholic. I left him and moved across the country to be with family. My husband's ex wife was a complete slut-and was a drunk who had run off with other guys a lot, leaving my husband and their two year old home alone on holidays, she was just the worst.

At the time I was hanging out with her, I did not know about her drug habit. I knew her drinking was out of control. Well, Christmas Eve came around. I was at their house, hanging out, and decided to spend the night there, because the roads were too slippery to drive on safely (sleet and snow) and I wasn't going to risk a wreck.

I wake up the next morning: her husband is sitting on the couch. I ask what's going on. He says the slut ran off again. Said he'd only stuck around because he knew she was incapable of caring for their son, but this was the last straw, abandoning the two year old on Christmas eve.

Fast forward six years later: we are married, still in love, he has sole legal and physical custody of his son, I have sole legal and physical custody of my daughters. We make six figures now (we were dead broke back then), own a farm, and live fifteen hundred miles away from our ex spouses.

Both ex's have multiple drug and alcohol charges now, jail time, etc....so they proved their character. Life is good. We started in a weird situation, but damn it worked out really well. He is the love of my life. And why am I posting this here? Because when we got together, our spouses thought they were going to be getting back with us. We had to curb their crazy and sneak around until we got our ducks in a row.”

About The Authors

This page was created by our editorial team. Each page is manually curated, researched, collected, and issued by our staff writers. Quotes contained on this page have been double checked for their citations, their accuracy and the impact it will have on our readers.

Kelly Peacock is an accomplished poet and social media expert based in Brooklyn, New York. Kelly has a Bachelor's degree in creative writing from Farieligh Dickinson University and has contributed to many literary and cultural publications. Kelly assists on a wide variety of quote inputting and social media functions for Quote Catalog. Visit her personal website here.

Kendra Syrdal is a writer, editor, partner, and senior publisher for The Thought & Expression Company. Over the last few years she has been personally responsible for writing, editing, and producing over 30+ million pageviews on Thought Catalog.