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- Michael G. Wilson

Michael G. Wilson Quotes
AKA: | Michael Wilson, Maicol Coliflor Daddy De Luke :v Wilson |
Birthday: | January 21, 1942 |
Birthplace: | New York, New York, United States |
Educated At: | Harvey Mudd College |
Nationality: | United States Of America, United States |
Occupations: | Film Producer, Screenwriter, Writer |
Total quotes: 40

Michael G. Wilson
BirthnameAKA: Michael Wilson, Maicol Coliflor Daddy De Luke :v Wilson
Birthday: January 21, 1942
Birthplace: New York, New York, United States
Educated At: Harvey Mudd College
Nationality: United States Of America, United States
Occupations: Film Producer, Screenwriter, Writer
Total quotes: 40
“May Day: Somebody will take care of you.
James Bond: Oh, you'll see to that personally, will you?”
James Bond: Oh, you'll see to that personally, will you?”
“[Hovering over San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge in their airship]
May Day: Wow! What a view!
Max Zorin: To a KILL!”
May Day: Wow! What a view!
Max Zorin: To a KILL!”
a view to a kill, Golden gate bridge
“Kara Milovy: [a police car had been cut with a laser] What happened?
James Bond: [mockingly] Salt corrosion.”
James Bond: [mockingly] Salt corrosion.”
laser beams, salt corrosion
“[Bond enters a confessional]
James Bond: Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.
Q: [in disguise as the priest] That's putting it mildly, 007!”
James Bond: Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.
Q: [in disguise as the priest] That's putting it mildly, 007!”
forgiveness, Sin
“You left this with Ferrara, I believe. [kicks the car, making it fall from the mountain and therefore killing Locque] He had no head for heights.”
Murder, Fear of Heights
“Kara Milovy: I've been such a fool.
James Bond: [grasping her hand and squeezing it] We both have.”
James Bond: [grasping her hand and squeezing it] We both have.”
“James Bond: Just taking the Aston Martin out for a quick spin, Q.
Q: Be careful, 007. Its just had a new coat of paint!”
Q: Be careful, 007. Its just had a new coat of paint!”
Aston Martin, new car
“Restaurant Guest: Qu'est-ce qu'il y a, monsieur?
James Bond: There's a fly in his soup!”
James Bond: There's a fly in his soup!”
waiter, There's a Fly in my soup
“Bond: So does he have a proposition for me or do you?
Magda: He suggest a trade. The egg...for your life.
Bond: Well, I heard the price of eggs was going up, but isn't that a little high?”
Magda: He suggest a trade. The egg...for your life.
Bond: Well, I heard the price of eggs was going up, but isn't that a little high?”
Trades, price of eggs
“Gentlemen, this may only be an exercise so far as the Ministry of Defence is concerned. But for me, it is a matter of pride that the 00 section has been chosen for this test. Your objective is to penetrate the radar installations of Gibraltar. Now, the SAS has been placed on full alert to intercept you, but I know you won't let me down. Good luck, men.”
Ministry of Defence, Gibraltar
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