33 Of The Most Effectively Sad Emo Lyrics Ever Sung
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After surveying our editorial team, we’ve concluded these are 33 favorite emo lyrics.

Chris Lavergne
October 29, 2016
October 29, 2016
“I know that without you is something that I could never do.”
Best Emo Lyrics, Without You I'm Nothing
“I wouldn't mind if you took me in my sleep tonight; I wouldn't even put up a fight.”
Kill Me, Best Emo Lyrics
“Our love was lost. Your heart turned cold and that was when I let you go. I let you go.”
Best Emo Lyrics
“It's four o' clock in the fucking morning and each day gets more and more like the last day.”
Best Emo Lyrics, Every Day Is The Same
“The mirrors lie, those aren't my eyes. Destroy them. Raise my hand; reflected in savage shards.”
Best Emo Lyrics
“And I can’t make it on my own because my heart is in Ohio. So cut my wrists and black my eyes, so I can die because you kill me.”
Best Emo Lyrics
“Honestly? Honestly I can't remember, all my teenage feelings. And the meanings.”
We Forget, Best Emo Lyrics
“Besides, I'd rather forget the days we spent than try to stay afloat in shallow water.”
Best Emo Lyrics