25 Memorable Quotes From Narcos That Will Get You Excited For The Third Season (A Year In Advance)
We were like the Bermuda Triangle. You get to close to us, you disappear.

Bianca Sparacino
November 22, 2016
November 22, 2016
“In the United States, the Mafia makes witnesses disappear so they can't testify in court. In Colombia, Pablo Escobar made the whole court disappear.”
“Despite his threats, many brave men defied him. And, true to form, when the pen failed ... Pablo was always ready with the sword.”
“The bad guys need to get lucky every time. The good guys just need to get lucky once.”
“Imagine you were born in a poor family, in a poor city, in a poor country, and by the time you were 28 years old, you have so much money you can’t even count it. What do you do? You make your dreams come true.”
“If there’s one thing I’ve learned in the narco world, it’s that life is more complicated than you think. Good and bad, they’re relative concepts.”
“Back then, we were just finding out about the effects of cocaine on the human brain. We didn’t know much, but we knew it was some pretty powerful shit. Cocaine hijacks the pleasure centres in the brain. A rat will choose cocaine over food and water. It would choose cocaine over sleep, over sex, over life itself. The human brain isn’t quite the same as a rodent’s, unless we’re talking about cocaine.”
“When you’ve run out of ways to hide your money, that’s when you give it to the poor.”
“We all need a method. Something to cling to when the shit around us gets so deep, we might go under. Something to guide us home when we feel we’ve lost our way. If we’re lucky, someone gives us a method and we follow it. If not, we find our own.”
“When you kill someone, you lose all your leverage the moment they’re dead. Now, you take someone’s children away from them, you’d be amazed what they’d do to get them back.”
“The thing about war is, it’s just bad for business. And when you got a bull’s-eye on your back, your rivals get bold.”
“Nowadays, the US government can listen to anything you say. They know where you are, they know who you’re talking to, and trust me, they know who you’re fucking. You turn on a cell phone or a computer, and you’re doomed. But in Colombia in 1989, it wasn’t that easy. First off, there was no Internet. No cells. The best they had were satellite phones, and in order to capture a satellite phone, you had to fly directly over it. On top of that, the only people who had sat phones were the filthy rich, the landowners, the politicians. And lucky for us, the narcos were richer than them all.”
“Best way to make a bad story go away is to come up with a better story, and sell it hard.”
“Escobar hadn’t built himself a prison at all. He’d built himself a fortress. But no matter how you decorate it, a cage is still a cage.”
“In all the years I chased Escobar, I could count on one hand the times we almost had him. And each time, we forgot the two most important things we already knew about him: Close doesn’t count. And Pablo is never more dangerous than when you almost have him.”