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Quotes tagged “Sex”

“First and foremost: I'm not actually made of China, regardless of this bone China skin tone. While tenderness has its moments, so does raw, animal fucking. I'm not going to shatter, I promise you.

There are a lot of factors you probably wouldn't even think of that affect a woman's natural lubrication, so don't take it personal if we need some help once in a while, especially if we've been busy for some time!

When using your mouth on her lady bits, use your whole mouth. Flicking your tongue like a snake is all right, but alternate it with long slow licks from a flattened tongue and tiny kisses and light sucking and even light nibbling (though I'd recommend sticking with the labia for that on most women). And don't be afraid to get your fingers involved.

You know in porn movies when the guy jams his fingers in the girl and goes to town all hard and fast like he's scrubbing the decks? It's a good bet most of those women aren't squealing and trying to wriggle away because it's so intensely pleasurable. Please, for the love of all that is good, don't take your cues from the average porn movies. The best way I've found for that is to run your fingers down over the clit, then inside, then back. Stimulating both areas is always going to lead to a positive reaction.

My ex could make me beg...and I mean sincerely beg. Starting with a light hand spanking, just enough to get the juices flowing, then the stroking that I described above, followed by a bit of tongue action until I was writhing. Then he'd kneel so he was right up against me, lubing his dick with my juices and sliding it between the lips in long slow strokes until I was pleading for him to give it to me. One hard thrust later, I was usually already having my first orgasm, which was almost always followed by a couple more before he had his own.

Don't limit yourself to just your dick! I can't even count the number of times gals I know have complained that their men seem to go dead from the waist up when they're on top. Kiss, bite, lick, talk. I will do the same.”
“I understand the nature of the penis.

I have been with enough guys that I am not weighing my self-esteem on every dip and bend that happens over the sexual experience. I've had partners go soft early, middle and late game. I get that the erection that starts the party might not be the same one you finish with. I understand that what does it for you one day is not the same thing that spins your crank the next. Sometimes I have to work for it and I don't mind at all. If we're doing something complicated, time-consuming, and/or something that takes the focus off of you for a while I am not going to balk if your dick takes a time out. I am not offended.

If you second-guess that, if you get hung up on the fact that I am judging you (I'm not) and if you proceed to panic in an attempt to rally you will fail. More than just failing, you will make it near impossible for me to help you rally. If your mind is with me, the body will follow. It might take time, it might not work 100%, but I can jump that hurdle. What I can't do is bring your head back when you start self-destructing.

And I am really, really good at the rally. So long as I am not tied up or otherwise incapacitated, when it comes time to fuck I will be there for you. I will get you there. But I cannot get you there if you are all in your head about the failure. I don't think of it that way but I have been with some guys who essentially ban themselves from interesting sex because they can't deal emotionally with the fact that some things are going to pretty much necessitate that they lose their erections at one point or another.

If the rally fails, be it for reasons of alcohol, sleepiness, or some other cosmic cock block, it will still be okay. I will hit you up in the morning. We will reprise when you get home from work. Not all sex needs to end in an orgasm—male or female—but the option to pass is always voluntary. Unless you tell me otherwise I will be gunning for you in the very near future.

And ladies, this goes for you too. I've inherited many a man who has this hangup because some other woman treated a flagging penis as a game-over sign. The fault however it twofold because guys, rather than using that moment to educate their partner, will just roll with it like that's an acceptable POV. They too believe the porn myth that staying hard throughout marathon sex is easily accomplished. And guys don't want to talk to other guys about the reality of the situation.

Techniques, personal taste, and all the trimmings I can teach. But getting rid of someone's investment in their own masculinity is much more difficult and cuts off so many roads I would otherwise travel.”

About The Authors

This page was created by our editorial team. Each page is manually curated, researched, collected, and issued by our staff writers. Quotes contained on this page have been double checked for their citations, their accuracy and the impact it will have on our readers.

Kelly Peacock is an accomplished poet and social media expert based in Brooklyn, New York. Kelly has a Bachelor's degree in creative writing from Farieligh Dickinson University and has contributed to many literary and cultural publications. Kelly assists on a wide variety of quote inputting and social media functions for Quote Catalog. Visit her personal website here.

Kendra Syrdal is a writer, editor, partner, and senior publisher for The Thought & Expression Company. Over the last few years she has been personally responsible for writing, editing, and producing over 30+ million pageviews on Thought Catalog.