BirthnameNationality: Ancient Rome
Occupations: Writer, Poet
Total quotes: 11
“How blind men's minds to their fate and what the future holds, how blind to limits when fortune lifts men high.”
“Live on in your blessings. Your destiny's been won.
But ours calls us on from one order to the next.”
But ours calls us on from one order to the next.”
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“Call up your courage again. Dismiss your grief or fear.
A joy it will be one day, perhaps, to remember even this.
Through so many hard strains, so many twists and turns our course holds firm...”
A joy it will be one day, perhaps, to remember even this.
Through so many hard strains, so many twists and turns our course holds firm...”
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“The queen stopped but he, warned by Jupiter now, his gaze held steady, fought to master the torment in his heart. At last he ventured a few words: “I… you have done me so many kindnesses, and you could count them all. I shall never deny what you deserve, my queen, never regret my memories of Dido, not while I can recall myself and draw the breath of life. 420 I’ll state my case in a few words. I never dreamed I’d keep my flight a secret. Don’t imagine that. Nor did I once extend a bridegroom’s torch or enter into a marriage pact with you. If the Fates had left me free to live my life, to arrange my own affairs of my own free will, Troy is the city, first of all, that I’d safeguard, Troy and all that’s left of my people whom I cherish. The grand palace of Priam would stand once more, with my own hands I would fortify a second Troy 430 to house my Trojans in defeat. But not now. Grynean Apollo’s oracle says that I must seize on Italy’s noble land, his Lycian lots say ‘Italy!’ There lies my love, there lies my homeland now.
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